Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Darling Dahlia

This dahlia is huge! About 9" across! It is from a first year tuber, the plant was planted late, and was only a foot tall when it put this on recently.
Wow, I love my dahlia!


Stormwind said...

Beautiful color! I've never grown Dahlia's but it would seem unusual for a first year tuber to have flowers that large.. You must be doing something right!

Nimbostratusdweller said...

can't believe it. It was even planted late! I don't know much about dahlias, but this one certainly made a big showing, only 3 bloms, but lovely!

Shirley said...

What a beautiful flower! Vibrant yet with beautifully subtle color variations. Lovely photography.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sherry, these are amazing photos. You are beautiful, too, in spirit, in aspect of face. "Garden tender, tendering power, gently, to lead. I know your needs, wildflowers." That is a couple of lines from a poem I wrote years ago, which apply to you, too. Your insight and output are fantastic, wondrous!

I was checking out your cloudhidden blog, your picture comes up, then bounces down to bottom, where I got back to it by scrolling down, down. Then I clicked on it to enlarge, reveal your fantastic smile.

I am in awe of your wondrous creativity and your compassion that sparks, and flows from each page.

Thank you for being an artist, a friend. Happy New Year, dear one.


Nimbostratusdweller said...

Lynn, thank you, your poem is beautiful, I hope to see more of them.
You are too kind...
well, I finally saw this, for some reason, I am not getting e-mails about posts. hmm?

Suzi, I am happy you like the flower, copy it if you like and can use it for something!

Joe, I just read over your blog. Thanks for writing!